Monday, August 8, 2011

Excuses, Excuses.

I think it may have been two months since I last wrote a blog. And while I am not usually a fan of excuses of any kind, I have been totally out of the loop. Besides all the usual with swimming, hiking, playdates, vacation bible school, out of town guests, laundry, sweeping/mopping, cooking, cleaning, etc, etc... I'm pregnant! Again. For the THIRD time. And just in case you're wondering, it doesn't get any easier. For about 4 weeks I thought I was going to have to hire a full-time nanny. "Sick" doesn't describe those four weeks. And thank heavens there were only four of them. For the first time in my life I found food repulsive and combined with already naturally low blood sugar and hormone increases I was starving and but throwing up every time I ate. Since Mom's can't call in sick and the full-time nanny is out of the question since we have no money because we have a baby every year well, I persevered. And I kept going. It was like a month long marathon. And speaking of marathons, I was determined to run the Asheville Half again regardless of my pregnancy status and continued on with my training program. That is until last weekend. Every week was fine, until the week I ran 8 miles, was pouring sweat and panting up a huge hill. My head was screaming at me; "WTF are you doing? You haven't eaten in a week, this hill is huge, it is 90 degrees outside and you already did this last year UNDER your goal time. What are you trying to prove?" So, I made a detour and headed back to the Y. And the decision was actually quite liberating. I still plan on being a beast in the gym and even ran 6 miles yesterday...but it was because I felt like it, not because I thought I had too. I actually enjoyed myself. Whatever, I guess I will just have to settle for regular old awesome instead of superwoman.

So here I am nearly 11 weeks and still no doctor appointment. I go in 9 days and can hardly wait to see the hopefully 1 babies heart beating inside of me. I feel certain with all the sickness and what appears to be a giant uterus that something is going on in there. Seriously, with the third baby I think you start to show the day you conceived. And I actually lost 4 pounds during all that craziness so it isn't ChicFilA weight. When I look down at my expanding waist line all I can think is what will I do if its twins? Seriously, what would I do? Twin boys. I can see it now. AH!

In addition to our new addition Josiah finally had his dental surgery and did awesome. It was beyond scary for Jaime and I but everything I am lacking as superwoman he must have picked up and become super-kid. He has a very expensive "robot tooth" now and we only have to go through it ONE more time. Fingers crossed it goes just as smoothly.

I turned 28 last week and can hardly believe that Jaime and I have been together for nearly 10 years, married for 8, own a home and have 3 children. I always thought by the time I turned 28 I would start to look for someone to marry. Ha! I couldn't be happier with the path my life has taken and am kinda digging the fact that I'll only be 45 when my youngest goes to college. I'm thinking sailboats and islands and still being young enough to rock a bikini. Woohoo!

And I am not the only August birthday. Ollie is turning two next week. I am so devastated over this I am not even throwing him a party. What happened to my little baby?! He is a full blown talking tot with an attitude problem. And I love him more than anything. Rather than a big fiesta we are going camping all weekend and focusing on him one hundred percent. Whatever he wants, he's gonna get. Because you only turn two once.

Here is a pic of our growing family and hopes that I will get back into this now that I crawled off of deaths door. Cheers!