Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cheers to a New Year

Every January as we say say goodbye to another year most of us resolve to usher in the new one with a new found zest, or for some, restraint for life. Commercials overtake the television for weight loss products and shape up shoes. Research shows that while almost 50 percent of Americans make a New Years Resolution only 46% are still maintaining such resolution after 6 months. So 64% percent give up... I wonder why? Or I suppose more importantly, what is the successful group doing differently? With all of the case study experience that comes along with the prestigious degree of a bachelors in psychology I can only theorize on what is happening here. I guess what can be concluded is that for a certain group of people making resolutions IS useful. So how do I know that I will be part of that group and not the other one? Um, I don't. No one knows what is going to happen at the starting line but the important thing is to join the race... because statistics also show that people who make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don't. SO here goes; a list of 5 things I would like to see happen in 2011. Let's check back in a year and see if I win.

-Enjoy life more. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy it plenty... What I mean is that I want to enjoy every part of it. Even the parts where I feel like I am gonna rip all of my hair out. I'd like to become one of those relaxed namaste weirdos. But I want to gain such clarity withOUT doing yoga or reading Siddhartha. Because my goodness, how short is this life, really? Way too short to sweat the small stuff.

- Read more "grown-up books". Even the hard to understand ones... maybe even some old school classics. I am going to keep this goal attainable to 6 books n 2011. One every other month. And on the off months I will keep up with US Weekly and other various gossip magazines.

- Think about how what I am doing affects others. I mean this on the grand scale of recycling and taking care of the planet or eating chickens at CFA. And on a much smaller scale of writing thank you notes, calling my grandmother more and remembering that even though I'm busy I still have to make time for those who I love. Also, to stop being so bitchy sometimes. It is unacceptable even if things are crazy!

-Spend time with Jaime doing things besides; (A.) cuddling on the couch, watching TV or (B.) sleeping or (C.) chasing a kid. The boys are getting older and easier to manage so we should vow to get the romance back in 2011. More dates and more "us" time. I love him so much.

- And what list of mine would be complete without a workout resolution. What to do this year? Really the only to do that I haven't already done is run a full marathon and I am sure as heck not resolving to do that. So I guess that I will say, swim more and run just as much.

So that's it, my fab 5 resolutions. You may have noticed that I didn't resolve to do anything with the kids? Well, that is one area of my life that I feel is already perfect. Not that I am perfect (Um, no way!) but I get to wake up to them every morning, spend all day hanging out with them and put them to bed every night. How amazing is that? I have been witness to their first words and steps and other various milestones. I haven't missed a single thing due to work or any other obligation. My children are my whole life and I wouldn't have it any other way. This time is so priceless. Come to think of it, maybe I should make a 6th and final resolution:

- Continue NOT working.

Happy New Year Y'all!

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