Monday, June 6, 2011

The Absense of Cable TV

Sometime in elementary school this boy in my class, who had one of the nerdiest and nicest dads ever, brought in letter for show and tell. He explained that he and his Dad together had gotten rid of their TV and it had been an entire year since they had last watched. The letter he was holding was from the President who was writing his congratulations after they had written him explaining what they had accomplished. Wow! I was floored. Both that a kid could not watch TV for a year and that the President of The United States actually cared! I was insanely jealous, I wanted one too.

But there was no way I could ever get a letter like that. We watched the Andy Griffith show every night during dinner and my Dad would never give up TV for a letter from George Bush Sr. He would consider that a major rip off. Also, I had no brothers or sisters living at home and I needed my friends in TV-land. So, I ogled his letter and lived in awe of that kid until we graduated from high-school. Now through facebook stalking I have determined that he is the director of a large global software company in Washington DC and probably chilling with Obama doing stuff besides watching TV. But I digress. Here I am now 20 years later and Jaime has canceled the cable.

We are almost one month in and oddly enough, I have survived. We still have a DVD player/Netflix and will pop in the occasional movie when we are feeling close to heat stroke or getting washed away by the rain...but for the most part we are now part of the elite no TV crew. I don't know how my neighbor feels about me showing up on her porch every Monday night begging to be let in to watch the Bachelorette but I am feeling pretty good about our choice. I just stared my 9th book of the year. Jaime and I are playing board games after the kids go to bed or hanging outside on the porch and actually talking to one another instead of siting in a trance on the couch too tired to move. It's really kinda nice. And just look at all the fun we have been having! Never a dull moment in the Conley Casa.

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