Monday, July 15, 2013


What an awesome summer we are having this year!

Josiah graduated from Asbury Pre-K in May and is headed to Kindergarten at Vance Elementary next year.
I know there can be lots of overwhelming feelings associated with kindergarten and for us mama's who have been at home with their offspring nearly every day, all day the last five years, it can be scary giving up that blissful control. But really, how lucky am I to be able to say that I've been there? For almost all the moments. Yet here we are with Josiah ready for the next big thing and honestly, so am I. In a world where crying outside the preschool door seems all too common, I hope I'm not wrong for admitting this but, Josiah has 200,000 questions. On a good day I can answer about 50 of them and half of the time I just make something up . He is Amazing. Smart, independent, curious and needs his space. His space to learn and create and ask questions and receive answers and be praised and corrected and taught. It's what is supposed to happen. And the easier it is for me to let go, the better he'll do. We Conley's like to take charge and thrive and I have a feeling that's what's in store for our baby Sisi. But seriously, kindergarten? Already?
Oliver is slowly becoming the glue that holds us all together. That sweet child. So often overlooked for being so agreeable. While I'm being honest, I'll admit that the other day Josiah and Corinne and I all came in and made lunch. When I put Ollies plate down on the table I looked around and asked, "Where is Oliver". Josiah was all I like, "I don't know" and Corinne can't talk so... Then suddenly, light bulb moment! He was still in the minivan. I never got him out. I ran to get him and he was just sitting in his car seat looking at me like, WTF lady? We joke about him being the "middle kid" but this family couldn't work without him. He is so sweet and lovely and I think on most days has more sense than all of us. He is SO smart. A trait that again is so often over shadowed but every once and a while he'll speak up and be like I can spell Puppy. P-U-P-P-Y. Ugh, ok? Maybe I have been giving him too much time with his leap pad. Or like last week at the pool as I was cheering Josiah off the diving board and Oliver walked up and was like, "I just learned to swim" then jumped in the pool and swam. He is freakishly funny too. He has some one liners that I want to bottle and save forever. Thank God for Oliver. And I do every day.
Corinne is now 16 months and the receiver of the most adorable baby ever award. She is SO cute. Only problem is that she is secretly a five year old boy trapped in a 16 month old girls body. Yesterday she tried to ride her trike (way too young for a trike BTW) down the stairs and when I wouldn't let her she threw herself on the ground and screamed. She can also roll her eyes. I know that seems impossible but she totally can and does. Its not very nice. She has a shoe problem too. Like she has to always be wearing shoes. When she takes her bath at night and gets her Pj's on she looks at you with those big brown eyes and ask, "shoes?' If you explain shoes aren't for bed she gets very angry and then you end up putting shoes on her. But oh my goodness. I could gobble her up daily. She is so sweet and such a happy girl. She is just a joy. One of my friends the other day referred to her baby girl as the frosting of their family and I liked it. So I'm gonna steal it. Corinne is totally our frosting. 

Then there's Jaime and I. We are getting along better than ever and I think it may have something to do with not being pregnant or having a newborn. That hasn't happened to us in 5 years. I'm so grateful for the person he is. He really goes above and beyond to make sure I'm happy. He gives us everything. A couple of weeks ago I threw a big fit because the kids were wearing me out this summer so he sent me to Atlanta to go shopping and to dance on table tops. And he is so supportive of my stupid running schedules and not only allows me time to train but also funds them and doesn't complain about it. I have a hard time convincing him to let me grocery shop any place except Walmart... but $200 for a relay? A trip to California to run another marathon? Tequila shots and ridiculous girls weekends? Showing up after working all day with a 5lb bag of gummy bears and a cable box so I can watch the Bachelorette... that's all Jaime. I'm so undeserving of him sometimes. And act I like a total idiot. But I'm so glad he's the one. I love him so much and am so grateful to celebrate 10 years of marriage this December. Woah!


This family stuff is just so good. And to be doing it all in somewhere as magical as Asheville is a dream come true. Here's to stretching this summer out as long as possible.


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