Wednesday, June 2, 2010


This summer will mark my sixth year away from the beach. Thinking back to those summer vacations with my parents where I almost didn't survive 6 DAYS away from the beach this is to say the very least, a total shock. Yes, I am the one who wanted to move to the mountains and go for long hikes and play in mountain streams and enjoy the seasons. But as it it turns out hiking with two children usually consists of packing up the entire house and driving somewhere that is kid friendly. Therefore, making it the most popular spot in WNC for all the other parents looking for kid friendly. We are usually 150 steps away from the car when someone starts crying and another 25 steps when someone else needs a diaper change. We then head back to the car and promptly drive home. This happens all the time, almost every time. But very rarely, we will have the most perfect day imaginable. The type of day that we dream about, so against all odds we keep trying. Jaime say's that is what separates US from the other parents.

Back to those mountain streams that I wanted to play in... They are actually around 5 degrees, year round. You can literally feel the ice hit your bone by merely sticking in one foot. I still have nightmares and get goosebumps thinking about my trip down sliding rock. The change of the seasons IS nice. At least in the fall. The leaves are beautiful for about 2 weeks and then they all fall off leaving you to freeze your ass off for the next 4 months. If your ass does manage to stay intact during the winter season rest assured it will burn off when summer comes. Don't get me wrong. I love hot. I love the sun-on Masonboro Island. I don't however, love sitting on Patton Ave in the hot sun. The past 6 years we have had no escape. But that is all going to change this summer. Yes bloggers, the rumors are true, the Conley family has joined a pool!

Never in my lifetime did I think I would pay actual money (and a lot of it) to swim in a pool. But desperate times call for desperate measures and I can't keep waiting for Global Warming to melt the polar ice caps and bring the beach to Asheville. No, it is time to suck it up, jump in some chlorine and chill out. Here we are on opening weekend, a few days ago... And let me tell you, it truly was, a little slice of heaven.


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