Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Two Years Later...

Well, here we are. Nearly 3 years since I first discovered I was having my first little boy. Life as we know it has been flipped upside down and turned completely around. It has become a life worth living and cherishing. Those two boys have become my heart. Jaime and I have gone from life in the fast lane:
(Circa 2006)... To life in the family lane. Complete with two kids, a mortgage, a dog and a minivan.

I retired exactly 10 months after graduating from college and probably never even earned one semester's tuition. I am now a full-time, stay at home mommy and love every second of it. Some days I may find myself online browsing jobs when the kids are really letting me have it, but most days I wouldn't trade my life for anything else in the world. I get to work out every morning and come home to eat fun kid food, ala chicken nuggets or PbJ's and strawberries. Then, there is the blissful "nap-time". I take a shower, read US Weekly and then take a nap. Then I get to wake up to two smiling boys who wanna go eat snacks on the porch. Sound's like a ferry tale right? Well, for the most part it is.
I LOVE my life.
Okay, now that THAT disclaimer has been posted I must say, raising two boys who are only 15 short months apart does not come without it's challenges. Sometimes I feel as if my brain is imploding and if I ever do decide to go back to work I think I should look into become a Military bomb disposal expert. I can literally keep my cool and continue cooking a three course meal while being screamed at, punched and dodging flying objects. I can change a diaper of a toddler running down the hall. I can walk two dogs, carrying a baby and pushing a stroller. I can nurse a baby while holding a two year old and singing a song. Yep, Super Mom.

Challenges aside, our days are filled with an abundance of hilarity that I never want to forget. That, is the reason for this blog. Everyone tells you time goes by so fast and I want to remember every second. Hope you enjoy!

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