Thursday, September 30, 2010

Conversations With My Two Year Old

Josiah has been making noise since he the day he was born. Before he could speak he would babble and before he could babble he would scream. If for some reason he is quite stop what you are doing immediately and go find him, because he is up to something.

Lately he has begun speaking so clearly and in sentences. This can be very entertaining and you have to take what he says with a grain of salt. Like most toddlers he is a little confused at times.

I thought I would share some of his sweeter moments of late with you all. Forgive me if you don't find them as cute as a mother does. I just love him so much.

Yesterday at lunch he says to me, "Lets talk about school mama " and I said, "Okay, what did you do at school today?" to which he replied, " I had bapple (Apple) sauce at school today mama." Me: "Oh you did? Cool, which of your friends were at school today?" Josiah:"Baminamn (Benjamin), Henry, Hayden- Oooooh Hayden can pee pee in the potty." Me: "Wow! Did you pee pee in the potty?" Josiah:"Uh huh." Me: "Did Henry pee pee in the potty?" Josiah: "NO! He got changed into an Elmo di di (diaper.)" After this I get up and go back into the kitchen where I finish making my sandwich. I can hear him mumbling in the dining room saying, "Shhhhh! Nemo tired. Shhhhh! I share my cozy blanket with Nemo. Ohhh he is soooo tired. Night Night Nemo." When I realized what he was doing I grabbed my camera because it was just to adorable to miss. Here he is;

He was covering his goldfish with his turkey and putting them to bed! How cute is that?

I can't believe my first born, little 7 lb baby is so grown up. I love him so much more every single day. I am so grateful to my husband for making it possible for me to stay home every day with them and share these special moments. I am a lucky lady to have such great boys in my life.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Finally, Fall

With the first harvest moon high in the sky and the calender reading September 23rd, I think it is safe to say that summer is officially dunzo. As much as I dread the end of summer there are a few exciting things about fall in the mountains.

The first being that I am no longer training for the Asheville Half Marathon. That's right folks, I conquered the grueling course in 2 hours and 10 minutes. A huge victory for me considering when I first moved to Asheville, 6 years ago, I was stuck in traffic for the race one morning after going out for breakfast and thinking, "How do they do that?" and "How far is a half marathon again?" I watched the runners out the window in amazement and never, ever thought I could do something like that. And I didn't just do it. I rocked it. It divided into a 10:03 split per mile with 2,225 feet gained in elevation spread out over 13.1 miles. I ran the enitre way and had so much fun. I chatted with fellow runners, made a few friends, jammed out to my music and took my headphones off for the last mile to listen to people cheering. I may as well of won the Boston Marathon. It was a perfect day pounding the pavement. A big shout out to Jaime for finishing in just over 2 hours. Nice work babe! And lets not forget that none of this would have been possible without the help of Yaya and Grandpa making sure the kiddos were happy and fully entertained ELSEWHERE! Thanks guys, you're the best :) The next nice thing about fall is the cooler temperatures. Which means we can get back to the park, Arboretum, Biltmore House and Nature Center. I love the beauty of WNC this time of year!
Josiah is back in KMO two mornings a week playing with all of his good buddy's and learning the ABC"S. This means that Oliver and I get to spend some quality time together! Now that my workouts aren't as strict, I plan on taking those days off to enjoy my now 1 year old little boy.

Hopefully with the changing of the seasons I will find more time to update this blog. We have lots of fun things planned with many photo opportunities, so stay tuned!