Monday, December 13, 2010

7 Down, 70 to Go.

Seven years ago today, I was 20 years old and living on Saint Rosea Drive. I worked full-time stopping crackheads with bats from breaking into hotel rooms ( well, I never actually stopped them, I just called the police when it inevitably happened). I lived with my fiance who I only saw after midnight when we met up on the couch to watch the Cosby Show and discuss our day. He was a full-time graduate student, part-time cook and part-time accounting lab instructor. I had completed just one year of college before I decided to drop out and run away with Jaime who I would rather starve with, in a beach house with 6 foot ceilings (NO this is not and exaggeration, Jaime was 2 inches taller than our ceilings) pretty much more anything else in the world. When we met up for those couch dates in spite of the weirdness that my life had become (college to crackhead hotel bouncer) everything was right in my world. My heart stopped every time I looked at him. I couldn't believe he wanted to marry me. Everyday I would worry that he would come to his senses and bolt out the door but he never did and seven years ago today, I was getting dressed for our rehearsal dinner. We were blessed to celebrate our partnership with a grand celebration of family and friends at the Bellamy Mansion in Wilmington, NC.

Even though tomorrow may mark our 7 year anniversary it still feels like just yesterday. Whenever I need to be reminded of just how long seven years is I try to think about all that we have done since our wedding day. We backpacked through Europe for a month, Jaime received his Masters in Accounting, I got accepted to UNC-Asheville, we spent the summer in Costa Rica and moved across the state. I spent 3 years at UNCA changing majors twice. Watching Jaime review for the CPA exam for a year and passing on the first try. Working for The NC State Auditors Office and driving around in a van all over WNC for two years. Living in BFE Barnardsville, the Meadows, the projects of Deaverview and finally building our new home. Graduating from UNCA and working for the Y. Losing loved ones, going through struggles and growing more in love each day. Out of all of these memories of significance and smiles the most astounding has been the creation of our two beautiful boys, Josiah and Oliver. Yes, a lot can happen in seven years and it still can feel like just yesterday.

So where do I see us on our 14th anniversary? Some place warm, happy and together with 3 kids. I want to run a marathon and be president of the PTA. I want to spend every weekend together soaking in just how happy we are. I couldn't ask for anymore in the next 7 years than I have gotten out of the first round. Thank you so much for making all of my dreams come true. Much love to you MJCIII.

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