Monday, November 29, 2010

Home for the Holidays

Thanksgiving is such a happy time of year and really is one of the best holidays that I can think of. It requires no commercialism or gift-giving and simply ask families to get together, appreciate one another and indulge in some of our favorite foods. While I believe that the history of Thanksgiving is a little skewd (I do not think Pilgrims and "Indians" joined hands and became fast friends.) I am still ever so thankful that the holiday still exist today and that we were able to make the trip down to Wilmington to join the extended Conley and Smith families for a raging good time.

We arrived Tuesday evening after five and a half of the longest hours I can remember in a car. The boys were F I R E D up and did not stop making sounds for our entire journey in spite of Toy Story blaring from double DVD players and snacks galore. I considered becoming an ultra marathoner after about 4 hours and running the rest of the way but Jaime wouldn't stop. He did NOT stop the whole way. Not even to pee. Here are the boys on a rare smiling moment in the backseat.

Lil and Marty were kind enough to host Thanksgiving this year and we were ever so grateful to join them in their lovely home. Wednesday, we met my dad downtown for lunch and took a walk on the waterfront.
Wednesday evening consisted of welcoming more out of towner's and enjoying some homemade veggie soup. This year Jaime's dad's family came from all over to celebrate. We got to visit with Aunt DeDe and Uncle Gearard, Uncle Mike, Aunt Jean and their 3 kids; Megan, Micheal and Lauren. Rounding out the group was Jaime's sister Sarah, her husband Matthew and Matthews sister Bethany, all from Atlanta. Matthews mom and step-dad from Aiken, SC arrived that evening as well. How cool is it that I got to marry into such an awesome, big family?

Thanksgiving morning Sarah, Matthew, Jaime and I all got up early for the Gallop for the Gravy 5K. Jaime and I had been talking a big game and it turned into quite the foot race between the Ruffner's and the Conley's. We were all so out to get one another that each of us scored a PR. Ha! I guess a little competition is good for the soul. Jaime kicked some serious butt and got a 21:09, Sarah was next with a 24:50, I had 25:04 and Matthew got a 25:30. We stuck around for the awards ceremony and while Jaime, Sarah and I were just waiting for our names to be called it turned out that Matthew was the only one to bring home a trophy. 3rd fastest male, 25-29, hooray! I think the rest of us were robbed. Wilmington people are FAST. In Asheville it is more about the journey than the destination but at the beach with no hills to speak of, it is all about sprinting. Either way, we had a blast and earned our pumpkin pie.

Later that day my family joined us for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixins over at Rabbit Run. I had two very large plates along with a dessert plate. Oliver had 6 rolls and I couldn't even keep track of what Josiah was shoving in his mouth. I think we were all extremely uncomfortable for the remainder of the evening and it wasn't hard getting the boys to go to bed.
Friday, I enjoyed an entire day out with my Mama and about ten million other people braving black Friday crowds. We had so much fun and even got to eat fresh sushi for lunch since we were sans one vegetarian husband and one picky dad. I returned home at 6pm and immediately had to get ready for The Captains launch Party at The Blockade Runner that evening. A whole day kid free! WOW! The party was in celebration of the NC Flotilla which would be taking place the following evening. It was a festive affair and while we were by far the youngest people there it was still a good time with yummy food, good music and an abundance of alcohol. Yes, thank heavens these kid free evenings are few and far between. I can't hang the way I used to! Still debating if the headache I received was worth the good times we had...I'll let you know.

Saturday started out with a lot of water and ibuprofen and actually ended up pretty great. The boys and I did crafts all morning and went to a festival in the park that afternoon. We took an extra long nap (Thankfully!) and headed down to the beach to watch the Flotilla from the dock. The Ruffners and the Gorden's generously made a low country broil with sausage, potatoes, corn and shrimp. We even celebrated 2 birthdays complete with cake! The boats dazzled and the fireworks and were spectacular. It was such a great way to finish up our trip. The boys loved the lights and Josiah counted stars with his Aunt Sarah for longer than I have ever seen him sit still.

After such a great weekend with such fabulous people we weren't sure that we could get much luckier. But on the trip home, we added just one more thing to our list of thanks...the boys slept for a very, long time. Hallelujah, thanks be to God!

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