Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Am I Crazy?

Josiah likes to sing a little song that goes something like this, "Cause when you're up you're up. And when you're down you're down. And if you're only half way up you're neither up nor down." Is he singing to me? In the mornings I feel like I can barely get out of bed when one of the kids inevitably starts screaming at 6:50am. Then I get up and turn into the energizer bunny. Changing and dressing kids, making breakfast, working out like a maniac, chugging coffee, cleaning the house, doing the laundry, building castles out of the 7 legos we can seem to locate, breaking up fist fights, reading Tangled AGAIN, sit-ups and push ups, potty training, begging and bribing, crying, laughing and eventually crashing at nap time (Me, not the kids...they usually stay in their rooms banging on the walls waiting for me to get up again.) Seriously, I am like a walking ad for Ambilfy. And then I start to think, should we have another baby? Initial response: Um, hell no.

More carefully thought out response: Maybe. Pros: Three kids seems like a fun family eventually. Like a picture out of Pottery Barn Kids with the three twin beds in a row and that awesome storage cubby on the wall. Three kids playing and entertaining themselves like half a soccer team. Support from one another and an untouchable closeness. Sharing secrets and building forts. Having each others backs. Being able to have a Conley take a Gold, Silver and Bronze all in the same Olympic marathon. You know, fun stuff. Cons: Having 3 children under 4. Considering that I have already broken one of their legs and sent the other one into the emergency room after an incident with a shower curtain and minor head trauma, I can only imagine how I would handle 3 kids. Gaining and losing 40 pounds AGAIN. Not being able to run as far and as fast as I want for 40 more weeks. Possibly getting another stretch mark on my perfect 6 pack. Figuring out how I would get them all into and out of the car. Not sleeping (Major CON), nursing every 2 hours for a year, not drinking or taking meds (surely needed with 3 kids), not knowing where we would put them all or where we are going to live (our house is for sale), paying for three kids at Ivy League schools all at the same time- oh wait, they'll probably get scholarships. I guess that can be a pro. Another pro?

Look at how sweet babies are! The first is a picture of Josiah (1 day old) and the second is Oliver (also 1 day old but so much bigger than teeny, preemie Sisi ). Getting pregnant in the next few months would make baby number 3 and Oliver 2.5 years apart. Which is exactly twice the amount of time in between Ollie and Josiah (15 months). So that should be easy, right? And really, what is one more?

So, what do we do? Right now I am going to assume that yes I am in fact crazy and go take a nap.


  1. Mama... You are so NOT crazy. Here I am, 30 weeks into this pregnancy and I started talking about our potential third baby last night with Chris. And as far as your cons of being preggers - ALL of which I was nodding in agreement with - Just look at your two beautiful boys, not to mention their precious baby pictures, and there's your biggest pro of all.

    Plus, I was on the eliptical next to Jennifer the Spinning Goddess last week and we were talking about pregnancy, and she mentioned that all three of her kiddos are 18 months apart. And while it was super hard being either pregnant or nursing for that long, she wouldn't have changed that for the world. Because now they are all so close and close in age. And just look at HER body. YAY for Conley babies!

  2. do it!! you are an awesome mom and you are not crazy!! i know you can handle it! woo hoo! i am so excited!!
