Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Skinny Legs, Stopped Up Bums and Runny Noses

So I may have mentioned in previous blogs that my wonderful husband, who in spite of having a cardiologist for a father and a PA for a sister, doesn't actually believe in medicine. And no, he isn't one of those no vax believers. He totally thinks you should get all your shots and once you have them you'll never get sick, ever. And this is an actual Jaime philosophy... If you feel yourself getting sick your mind can stop it. You just have to concentrate really hard and push the sickness away. Seriously. And in the 9 years we have been together, I have never once seen him have a common cold, a fever or throw up (with the exception of the white trash party aftermath but that wasn't from germs). He also believes some diseases are totally imaginary. For example, allergies. Or arthritis. He is a funny one and I love him dearly.

That said, I have started to take on his philosophy somewhat (Although, NOT when I am shivering and sweating at the same time and vomiting all over myself and he looks at me like, "Push it away. Think better. Feel Better".) and our children rarely ever go to the doctor. In fact, our pediatrician disappeared last summer and we have yet to get another one, simply because we haven't needed one. I don't even call the nurse line because guaranteed I am smarter than most of those ladies and I do not have 6 available hours to hold... And after the time I called because Josiah slept until 10 Oclock in the morning ( this was an emergency considering he never slept past 4am as a baby) and they told me to go take all his clothes off and shake him...I have decided to just alternate Tylenol and Motrin every 4 hours for almost any problem and wait. The point of all of this is that when we finally do roll into the doctor's office we have a whole list of problems. They will ask, "How long has this been going on?" and I am like, "Since the middle of September" and then they look at me like I am confused.

So, on to ailment number one: Josiah got his cast off last Thursday and we were all relived to see it go. No more trash bag baths and two legs for soccer season starting in March, hooray!
However, since the removal of the cast he has been dragging his leg behind him and refuses to bend his knee. His foot turns out too. It is a sad little walk to watch and I long for my hyper active boy to run around in circles again. Also, his right leg is very skinny and has little muscle left. Where did it all go in just 3 weeks? If all this continues he may have to go to physical therapy and I guess all we can say is that thank goodness he will eventually get better...even if it is taking longer than we thought.

And number two: After getting the cast he stopped pooping. I know, TMI, but he NEVER poops! It is super freaky and he is so uncomfortable. He spins around and grabs his bum screaming, "MY BUM HURTS!" which in the grocery store is a little embarrassing for everyone involved. We have tried suppositories and OTC meds but nothing is freeing his poop. AH! And for the third and final ailment: This weekend he got a fever and seemed so dazed that I drove halfway to the emergency room. Note: I turned around and went back home when he started asking me about all of the princesses and "Where do they live?" But he had finally gotten my attention. I found and made an appointment with a new pediatrician Monday morning. When the Doc came in I had to explain that Josiah had a fever, seems out of it, can't walk right and hasn't pooped in a month. He looked at me like, "Hold up, start over." I explained all of our issues and thankfully they are all unrelated. The fever is because he has a cold, his walk will get better when the muscles gain strength and the pooping or rather the absence of pooping, is really common around toddlers who are potty training and become afraid of poop. He gave him some Myrolax to clear him out (Great. Can't wait for that).

So all in all, poor little Josiah is have a rough time! He is the sweetest little boy and I can't wait for him to feel better. Being a parent is a bizarre experience. Someday's it feels like I am on that show Wipeout (but much louder) and people are just throwing obstacles in my direction to make me fall. Still, I wouldn't change my life for anything in the world. I am so in love with all three of my boys! Please say a little prayer for Josiah and another one that neither he nor Ollie ever gets diagnosed with allergies. That we could NOT handle.


  1. okay prayers are being said right now for J :) seriously, you two have been making me laugh all day long, first handy manny and now this fabulous post! love you guys and hang in there! he will be healed up soon!

  2. I am praying nobody diagnosed with such allergies which are very harmful.
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