Thursday, April 28, 2011

Time for an Update:

It has been almost 3 weeks since my last post but it hasn't been for lack of activity... more a lack of camera (WTF is that thing???) and a partial cleanse of all things internet. In keeping up with my new years resolution, I am currently finishing my 5 book of the year! Which means during my blessed nap time hours I have been cuddling up with a book rather than going cross eyed and throwing angry fits over a certain bird game, stalking people on facebook or tending to the Blog. So, sorry. But it's been good for me.

Now, back to the books. I started the year with Water For Elephants, followed by The Help, then a fun read from a friend called Naptime is the New Happy Hour. Most recently I finished The Glass Castle and am currently in the middle of The Art of Racing in the Rain. Every single one has been my favorite! Although, I must say the Glass Castle wins as one of the most touching memoirs of all time (I think). I loved, loved, loved it.

I am currently training for The Ramble Run 12K on Mothers Day and have been logging much longer runs the past month and been hitting the hills. You can't see the course because it is in a gated community but one section is on the Blue Ridge Parkway and another on a wooded trail, so I am assuming it won't be flat. And 7.4 miles has required some getting used to. In all of my training endevors I have gained 3 pounds and have been eating like a very large, stoned man at a Bob Marley concert. And speaking of Mothers Day, my little boy who was born on Mothers day 2008 will be turning 3 soon. I love him so much. I can NOT believe he will be three and how fast these years are flying by.

We spent a fabulous Easter at the beach and even got the whole family out to see the sunrise on Sunday morning .No church or book could ever speak to me the way something like this does. It makes me feel alive. It also makes me miss home very, very much.

I so wish I had more pictures to share and here is hoping that my camera is just lodged in a bin of blocks somewhere. Happy Spring everybody!

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