Thursday, December 27, 2012


Earlier this month one of my friends asked if I could go to a movie, to which I replied..."Um, I think I'm free January 13th. Does that work?" You didn't know I was so important, did ya? Seriously, my life is flying by and I'm not even sure that I am taking it all in. So, so busy.

We began the month by going out to Sandy Holler farms and climbing all the up to the top of a mountain with a saw. Then we chopped down our very own Christmas tree and drug it back down the mountain. They had trees at the bottom of the mountain but we don't roll that way. It was the Griswold tree experience and all of its glory as we carried a baby in the Bjorn, Oliver whined about walking and Josiah ran so fast downhill that he couldn't stop and slammed face first into a tree. We dressed extremely festive in Christmas sweaters and worked up a pretty big sweat in the 75 degree weather. It was a perfect day and we really did pick the perfect tree.
The following weekend Lil came into town and Jaime and I took off for a full twenty-four hours to celebrate 9 years of marriage. That morning we ran 14 miles in Bent Creek and I had the run of my life. It was a moment when all the stars aligned and my body, mind and spirit were all working in perfect harmony. I ran the whole way, climbed almost 1,000 feet in elevation and went fast! I even got a little choked up and thought, "I'm really gonna run a marathon! That's so awesome!" It was a great start to a fun day. We checked into the Princess Anne Bed and Breakfast around 3pm after walking around downtown and Jaime using part of his Christmas bonus to buy a new bike. It's pretty sweet and since he and I are almost the same size, I fit on it too. Yay! That night I took every bit of perfectly balanced wellness I found that morning and threw it out the window. Seriously, it was wild. Too wild. And that's all I'm gonna say about that. Thank goodness those kids keep us chaperoned so well because Mommy and Daddy need it. Yikes.
The next week Josiah and Oliver had their Christmas program at school and it was adorable. I was so proud of Josiah and how well he overcame his fear of singing on stage! Last year he was so miserable during the whole performance but you never would have known this year. He is growing into a fine little human. I don't have any pictures because I missed the memo that in order to get a seat (and a SuperMommy award!) you must arrive 3 hours before show time and was left standing in the back row with all the other cool people who showed up at 11:45. Oh well, I hope my kids still know that I love them. Here they are that morning.
The next weekend I ran 15 miles in Bent Creek. Correction, I suffered through 14.4 miles in Bent Creek and quit before reaching that final .6 because I'm pretty sure I would have died if I went any further. I was VERY hot and overdressed because when I started that morning it was freezing and then it suddenly became summertime mid-run. I was also hungry, thirsty and depressed. Not a good day. But those are the days that make us tough. The weekly mileage is really getting up there and by the time the Saturday run rolls around I just want to lay in bed with the rest of America and eat Christmas cookies. I can do this. I will do this.

The next week I prepared a big birthday celebration for my husband who was turning 34 on the Mayan predicted last day on earth. Other people were joking about December 21st alot, but I didn't think it was very funny. I really wasn't ready for the world to end yet. The only good I could find in it was that I wouldn't have to run a marathon in March. So the big day arrived and BOOM. I got the freaking flu. Like lay on the bathroom floor and pray that the world ends flu. Ugh, it was retched. So, I sent my husband out all day with the three kids to celebrate his birthday. He took them to Papas and Beer and got the Sombrero and ice cream. The image of a solo dad and three kids wearing a sombrero while waiters sing Happy Birthday is enough to make me wanna marry him all over again. That night Bill was in charge of his birthday since I was praying to be put out of my misery. I think they had fun. Honestly, I don't remember. The following four days went like this. Oliver SICK. Corinne SICK. Josiah SICK. Christmas Eve with my grandparents in Lawndale where we all looked liked we had been or should have been hospitalized for some form of E-coli. I'm sure they were so glad we came  visit. Ugh.

Christmas Day was actually really nice and we were mostly on the mend. We woke up early, opened presents and then went to visit my dad and had big feast. The first in about five days.  All in all, a success!

Going into 2013 I can only hope to slow down a little and enjoy the little things more. These are the best days of my life and I want to remember them. So cheers to the world not ending and new beginnings. Happy Holidays Y'all!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Are those YOUR kids?

So here we go! Another attempt at rebooting this whole blogging thang. Corinne is 9 months old today and I am slowing getting my life back. She is so cute, really, I'm not just saying that because she's mine. She is the CUTEST BABY IN THE WORLD. See for yourself:
She is happily non-mobile with the exception of scooting on her bum across the hardwoods. She is a tiny little thing weighing in at just barely 16 pounds. But don't let her small size fool you as her personality is nothing short of electric. Her most recent claim to fame is "The squeal". It sounds kinda like this: "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" I don't know if it's a happy sound or a mad sound. I'm thinking it may just be a "Yo look at me" sound. Poor thing is starved for attention. As I'm sure anyone can tell by the 2,000 photos I upload daily via facebook. Seriously, I take out my phone to call Jaime and catch her posing and smiling. No Corinne, just a phone call. No need to go all BabyGap on me.

Josiah is now four and a HALF and don't you even think of leaving off the half. We had a party to celebrate it. He is doing fantastic in his new preschool this year. Rocking Pre-K and proving to be a rocket scientist. Actually, he isn't a rocket scientist yet but he will be very soon. So. Many. Questions. They never stop. And really hard questions that I don't know the answer to. Just the other day he asked me, "Mommy, do you really know what your talking about or are you just making it up?" Sheesh, I thought I had a little longer to make up answers to his non-stop quiz. He is amazing and so, so wonderful in every way.
Oliver is three, no half yet, just three. No need to get ahead of ourselves. I really love Oliver. For about a billion reasons but one is because he and I are so similar. Don't get me wrong, I married my husband because he puts other husbands to shame. He is a smart, good-looking, non-stop, a liv-in off the land, cable TV shunning, type of man who runs a million a week and refuses to buy new shoes EVER because he already has shoes. He is intense and I love him. He could save our whole family in a hunger games type of situation, I'm sure of it.  And if for some reason anything ever happened to him I'd look to Josiah for help because he is a carbon copy of his daddy. Anyway, back to Oliver. He and I live by another set of rules. We could lay around and watch cable TV all day if Josiah and Jaime weren't pushing us out the door.  Oliver's idea of moving fast is going to his room and waiting for a bit before its time to go. He doesn't like to be rushed and NEVER, does anything that he doesn't feel like doing. Seriously, if Ollie says no, I don't even try to pull out the "You're gonna do it because I said so" because he really won't do it. He'd rather take a two hour time out and chill in his room. He is super imaginative and spends a good part of the day talking to people who aren't there. He is best friends with his turtle, Crush, and loves his baby sister so much. He is a sweet soul and I love him very much.

And then there's me. I'm just chugging coffee and trying to keep up. I would complain but what's the point? I don't have time. More importantly I know there is nothing else I'd rather be doing. I love, LOVE, being with my kids. Even when they're nuts. I'm a little nuts myself so it's all good. I actually just had this conversion today about how crazy people get shit done. I defer to my inner running mantra when I want to join the ranks of whiney mamas:  Suck. It. Up. Life could be worse. I could have to get a job. Um...No. God forbid that ever become necessary because after trying to fill out an application to work at a charter school (so my kids could get in, don't judge me) I needed a large glass of wine. Seriously, I can't even turn something on the Internet into a word document anymore. And references? Who, my kids? Other peoples kids? The lady at the park? Yikes. Looks like I'll just be 1 in 4000 joining the lottery. Ugh, schools stress me out. So yeah, that's it. Oh, and I'm training for a marathon and have run almost 60 miles in the last two weeks. Why not? I have tons of time. See what I said about crazy people getting stuff done?   

As Christmas approahes and Jaime and I celebrate our 9th year as husband and wife I'm so grateful for how blessed we are. The things I struggle with aren't even a blip on the radar of real life problems and for that I'm very, very lucky. Thank you universe. Thank you. .