Thursday, July 15, 2010

Only 35 More Days of Baby

With this summer rapidly flying by it appears that somewhere in the midst of it all my little Oliver is growing up. It is hard to believe that in just a little over a month he will be a one year old. Where did the time go? I remember so vividly the looks of horror I received when I was pregnant and strangers would ask, "How far apart will they be?" and I replied, "15 months". Just make it through that first year, just make it through the first year, just make it...It became my mantra. Well, not only have we made it, but we did it with style. Oliver made it easy on us. Demanding as little as a newborn could possibly demand. He remained calm when Josiah and I were losing our minds. I think he may have even talked us through a couple of moments that were touch and go. He is a little angel and because of this I feel like sometimes he has been looked over and sat aside. So Ollie, this blog is for you and only you.

My baby Oliver with eyes so bright, so blue
I never knew I could love TWO boys so much
until I met you

You have gone from nursing ten times a day
to an unhealthy obsession with ChicFilA
Your older brother plays with you mean and way too rough
For 11 months you are extremely tough.

You love to dance and always have a twinkle in your eye
You wait until something is really wrong before you start to cry
I love the way you smell, I love your fuzzy hair
A surprise at first, but an answer to a prayer.

Thank you so much for being my boy
you have brought me so much happiness and so much joy
You're handsome, you're bright, you're clever
Everyday I wish I could keep you a baby forever.

Love you!

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