Monday, July 5, 2010

Summa-time and the liv-in's easy

So, it has been almost 3 weeks since my last post and before you go thinking that I have given up my new found blogging hobby just as quickly as I found it...let me just say that we have been all over the great state of North Carolina and I have gone through 2 camera's since my last entry. We truly have been living it up Conley style this summer and haven't stopped to take a breath. Here is a little update on some of our recent adventures.

Mid-June the whole family took a trip to the raging metropolis of Greensboro, NC for 3 days of non-stop fun. Jaime was in a CPA conference (Note: Pocket protectors WERE required at this Accountant Lalapoloza) and the boys and I decided to see what the Emerald City had to offer. As it turns out there is way more to do in Greensboro then one may have expected. We hit up a water park our first day there and Josiah surprised us at how brave he was sliding down the water slides all by himself! It was so much fun and I am glad Jaime was able to share this with us.

While Jaime worked the next two days Josiah, Oliver and I hit up the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro with my cousin Maggie. In spite of the raging temperatures we still had an awesome time. The boys rode a carousal, saw Dora in 4-d and even caught a glimpse of an animal or two. I am pretty sure the polar bear had passed away from heat exhaustion but Josiah was still thrilled to see him never the less.

It is important to note that while in Greensboro we stayed at a Ho- TELL. That's right a hotel. Ask Josiah and he can tell you all about it. I think if it were up to him he would pack his bags and move asap. They had free breakfast, a pool, a big TV in his room, a little dispenser that shot out Goldfish in the lobby and an all glass elevator. Why wouldn't we live at the hotel?

Upon returning to Asheville and convincing Josiah that our house really wasn't so bad we continued our summer fun by visiting Camp Mishemokwa with the JCC. What a blast! With all of our awesome adventures this summer I can honestly say this has been our best day yet. Josiah learned to jump off the diving board solo and even went down a super fast water slide. Ollie and I had quality time in the hot tub and we all feasted on a delicious catered lunch. The Jews sure know how to party. Mozeltoff!After a great weekend at the camp, the good times continued bright and early Monday morning when my friend Brooke and I loaded up her daughter Taylor and the boys and headed to Wrightsville Beach for 4 days of sand, surf and sun. The kiddos had too much fun and even little Oliver enjoyed learning a thing or two from the big kids.

We hit up the big beach, the little beach-where I threw my little boy of the dock and made some unforgettable memories-, braved the bouncy houses at Monkey Joes and were even able to visit Mimi and Grandad for a swim in their pool. Brooke and I partied like rockstars (Well... as much as two exhausted moms, who have to wake up at 6am, can party) every night after the kids went to bed and laughed until it hurt. A great time was had by all and we were sad to see it end.

Thankfully our spirits were lifted when we returned home to an action packed Fourth of July weekend. Complete with; red white and blue waffles, a trip to the Biltmore, a parade, fireworks, a pool party, a birthday party and Shindig on the Green.

With almost two more months left of summer I don't expect the Conley Crew to slow down any, at least I hope we don't, I am having the time of my life! And while the blog posts may suffer in quantity, given all of our material, you can rest assure that they will not lack in quailty. Until next time... try and grab some sunshine!

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