Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Falling Back and Exploring all the Options for Toddler Time in the Dark.

The majority of the US breaths a sigh of relief the second weekend in November when we are blessed with one more hour of sleep. Ah, zzzzzz. It is also the less embarrassing version of time change in America. Forget to set your clocks back? No problem, you just show up an hour early! Unlike in the spring, when you are scrambling around wondering why everyone is walking out of church and you are just walking in. Yes, the fall back is viewed by some as the beginning of shorter days, colder weather, the Holiday Season and all of the snugly goodness that sort of smells like a pumpkin spice candle.

Then you have the Conley Family... We don't dig falling back. In fact, when George W. Bush extended Daylight Savings time by 2 weeks back in 2006, I suddenly found myself liking him for the first time in 6 years. My goodness, if he had done away with it all together I may have just forgotten about all the other stupid crap he did. Go George! But alas, we joined the rest of the country last Saturday night and set our clocks back one hour. If only I was 21 and at a bar I could have drank until 3am. But, I was in bed with my book at 9pm and awoke to the sounds of two children ready to play at 6am. No! After that, we went on to have the longest day in history, followed by the longest week in history.

So my question is this; What do you do with two boys, all day, when it is cold and then for 3 hours, at night, in the dark before they have to go to bed? TV is not an option and I am sick of doing puzzles or playing with the train table. I want to go to the park or the beach. I want to build a sand castle. I don't want the sun to set until 10pm. I want to go read that blog I wrote about breaking out the bubbly because it's toasty out. Yes bloggers, I feel a bit of SAD coming on and since my doctor doesn't think it is a good idea for me to take xanax every day, all winter, I need an attitude adjustment. Yes, I know this is the south and people actually live in insane places like North Dakota but I still am at a loss.

At least it is only 16 days until Thanksgiving and one month before Disney World, followed by Christmas and New Years. After that its all about the count down to March 13th when we can spring our clocks forward. Until then, you can find me sitting by the heat lamp in the sauna at the YMCA.

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