Monday, November 1, 2010

Marathoners, Zombies and Trick-or-Treaters, Oh My!

This past weekend brought an end to October and it was only fitting that a month that has been packed with so much nonstop fun have a deserving send off. We started out the 10th month with a trip to Myrtle Beach and followed it up with a half marathon and a family reunion. I went on my very first overnight kid free trip, Josiah has made wonderful potty progress and Oliver continues to amaze us every day. Yep, it has been a pretty good month.

On Friday, the 30th, the boys got their first taste of trick or treating at The Bryan Center in Weaverville. Our friend John is a Physical Therapist at the Bryan Center and recommended that we go spend some time showing off Woody and Buzz cuteness to the crew in assisted living. Granted, no one knew who Woddy and Buzz were but they settled for a cowboy and an astronaut... and boy did we deliver on the cuteness!
Saturday morning marked exactly 5 weeks since Jaime decided he would train for and run the Greenville Spinx Marathon. It has been a bumpy road with the training process. It was short and fast and he woke up every morning for 5 weeks at 5am either to run or work. Weekends too. I was exhausted! So needless to say, as proud as I am of my marathon man of a husband I was happy when the alarm sounded at 5am Saturday for what would be the last time for a while. Race day had arrived. I never had any doubts in Jaime. I am pretty sure he could have run a marathon the day I met him if he felt like it. Some of us can run everyday and try as hard as we can and never be able to do what Jaime can do with the bare minimum of training and eating nothing but donuts and Ramen noodles. It drives me a little nuts honestly but that is just one of the reasons I love him so much. The boys and I made the drive down to cheer him on and as we got on Highway 25 a sign read- Greenville 27 miles. Just .8 further than a Marathon. The whole way down I was thinking, "Holy crap he is going to have to run this far?" Needless to say he prevailed and came in smiling in just 4 hours and 24 minutes which breaks down to almost exactly 10 minute miles for 26.2 miles. He didn't walk one time AND he beat Oprah which was his main goal all along. Go Jaime! This is a pic of him at mile 25

and another one at the finish line.

So very, very proud of him!

That night we went out for a little celebration and even got a babysitter. Our friends Anna and Eric were having a Halloween bash and we went as zombie prom king and queen. A fun time was had by all.

On Sunday we hosted a more family friendly event and let Josiah and Oliver have the times of their lives with their little friends eating yummy food and trick or treating. Josiah was adorable and really got the hang of holding out his basket and saying, "Tick or Teet". Oliver crashed pretty hard and had to be put to bed immediately. Jaime and I dressed up a marathoners, me with two of my half marathon medals and he with his prized medal from the day before. Such a great weekend with really great people. I can only hope that November brings us as many smiles!

1 comment:

  1. Um. How come I don't know you are blogging too? And you have been for quite a while! YAY! Another wonderful way to keep up with the Conley crew.
